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Mother and Baby

Did You Know?

Egg Lifespan 

Once an egg is released from your ovary it will likely only survive for 12-24 hours. 


It will need to be fertilised in this time in order to have a chance of a successful pregnancy. 

Sperm Lifespan 

Sperm can survive in the female reproductive system for approximately 5 days therefore having regular sex just before and around ovulation gives you the highest chance to conceive. 

Pill Induced Period

The contraceptive pills that require you to take a week break can be masking underlying issues relating to ovulation. The period that occurs during this week break isn't naturally occurring and although it takes place you may not necessarily be ovulating. 

Relaxin Hormone

From the start of pregnancy a hormone called 'Relaxin' is released causing ligaments to relax and allowing the female body to accommodate a growing fetus and the pelvis to expand during birth. 

Pregnancy Cravings

These can range from normal things such as a specific food such as chocolate or carrots to more  bizarre cravings such as sucking coal. Cravings are thought to be caused by nutritional deficiencies, hormones and heightened sense of smell and taste. 

Miscarriage Statistics 

Most miscarriages occur at the start of pregnancy. The overall probability of a pregnancy ending in miscarriage in the UK is: 25% at four weeks; 5% at eight weeks; 1.7% at 12 weeks; and 0.5% at 16 weeks. More than 80% of miscarriages occur within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. 



Cervical Mucus 

The consistency of Cervical Mucus changes over the course of your menstrual cycle. During your most fertile days it tends to be thinner and more clear making it easier for sperm to pass through. 



This is a region of the brain linked to our emotions, especially those such as anxiety, aggression and fear. During pregnancy and post birth the Amygdala increases in size and is thought to be a cause of new mothers being on high alert. 


The Amygdala is also the reason newborns can distinguish between their mother and anyone else. 

Postnatal Anxiety & Postnatal Depression Stats 

Postnatal Depression affects around 1 in 10 women in the year post giving birth & Postnatal Anxiety affects around 1 in 5 woman during that same time frame. This has potentially increased since multiple lockdowns and increases in hospital restrictions. 


​Sadly the leading cause of death in new mothers is suicide in the 12 months post child birth. 


In the first few days post birth colostrum is produced by the breasts prior to more typical milk. This is more of a yellow/gold colour and is rich in nutrients. During this time your baby will likely feed little and often. 


You can start to harvest Colostrum from 37 weeks pregnant in preparation for your little ones arrival.  

Returning to Work 

Fewer than one-in-five of all new mothers, and 29 per cent of first-time mothers, return to full-time work in the first three years after maternity leave. This falls to 15 per cent after five years 



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