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Fertility, pregnancy and new motherhood is full on new lingo, the aim of this page is to make all that a little easier to understand.

  • Preconception - The name given to the time before pregnancy occurs but is planned. Health can be optimised in anticipation of a pregnancy.

  • Perinatal - The time from conception until 1 year post birth.

  • Postnatal - The time frame following birth 

  • Postpartum - Another word for the time frame following birth 

  • Antenatal - The time from conception up to the start of labour

  • Ectopic Pregnancy - This is when a fertilised egg attaches outside of the uterus (often in the fallopian tube) and will likely require medical attention. 

  • Intrapartum- The term given to the care in labour and the timespan of labour.

  • Caesarean Section - The name given to the operation performed when baby is delivered via the abdomen. This may be planned or an emergency.

  • Ventouse - The name given to a type of vaginal delivery and the name of the equipment used when a suction cup is used to help delivery the baby once fully dilated.

  • Forceps - The name given to a type of vaginal delivery and the equipment used to perform the delivery once fully dilated, forceps are curved to fit around the baby's head and allows an obstetrician to assist with delivery 

  • Placenta - The organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy and supports the life and growth of a fetus during it's development.

  • Perineum - The area / section in between your vagina and anus.

  • Episiotomy - This is the cutting of the perineum by a doctor or midwife to aid delivery 

  • Epidural - A type of pain relief that involves local anesthetic being delivered to the nerves on the spine to numb the lower half of the body. 

  • Cervix - The lower end of the uterus, it forms a canal between the uterus and vagina. 

  • Dilated - How open your cervix is, 10cm is classed as fully dilated 

  • Back to back - Term given to a baby that is facing outwards rather than facing in to mums back. 

  • Breech - This is when the baby is presenting bottom or feet first in the womb.

  • Transverse Lie - When the baby is lying across your womb horizontally 

  • Braxton Hicks - Tightening of the womb in the later part of pregnancy, usually painless.

  • Afterbirth - This occurs once the baby has been born and involves the woman delivering the placenta. 

  • Endometriosis - A long term and often painful condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus in areas such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. 

  • IVF - This stands for In Vitro Fertilisation, this is where the egg and sperm are combined outside of the body before being implanted in the hopes of a successful pregnancy

  • Polycystic Ovaries - This is a complex hormonal condition which can cause problems when trying to conceive along with symptoms such as irregular periods, weight gain, facial hair and acne 

  • Smear - The test carried out to collect cells from the cervix to test for HPV and cervical cancer. 

  • Sweep - A procedure when the midwife or doctor will examine a lady who is towards the end of pregnancy. The aim is to reach the membranes over baby’s head and slightly stretch the cervix. Hoping to stimulate labour hormones. 

  • Mucous Plug - This is a collection of mucus that forms in the cervical canal early on in pregnancy, it helps to prevent bacteria entering the uterus and therefore protects your baby. This will come away as your body prepares for labour and is sometimes referred to as a 'show'.

  • Gestational Diabetes - This is high blood sugar (glucose) that develops during pregnancy and usual goes away following birth 

  • Obstetrician - A Doctor that specialises in delivering babies and the care of woman during pregnancy and following birth.

  • Placenta Previa -  This is when the placenta completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus (babies natural exit route). Occasionally this can resolve during pregnancy but often a C-Section delivery will be scheduled prior to labour starting. 

  • Colostrum - For the first few days post birth the breasts produce this first form of milk, it is quite yellow in colour and is rich in nutrients. Colostrum is often referred to as 'liquid gold'

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