Hello & welcome to Bump Birth Baby Beyond...
...where you can find a multitude of things related to motherhood, starting right at the very beginning with fertility and conception through to fun (and tantrum) filled toddler life.
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’ve found the process of becoming a Mum hard, the life changing permanence, the massive learning curve, the sleep deprivation and insomnia, the relationship changes, the absolute highs of being full of love followed some all consuming moments of worry/anxiety.
Over the last few years I've learned so much about the female body, our reproductive systems, hormones, birth, newborns and little people.
I can honestly say as by boy is getting older the easier and more fun it becomes... he’s such a joy and my anxiety has definitely settled (to some extent), the whirlwind has passed & the fog has lifted so I’m setting this page up to share what knowledge I've gained along the way to prevent you having to spend as many hours on Google as I did, to help others feel less alone and for anyone either about to embark on their own motherhood journey or those currently in the thick of it.
I really hope you find something here that will help, educate or provide comfort. This is for my friends, peers and all women looking for information, community, or support.

Ashley Rostron
'Normal' Mum
I am a first time Mum to a little boy called Tommy who has recently turned 2. I work for a Construction company, enjoy being outdoors, trips away and eating out.